VYOMA - Your Analytics Partner

Imagine discovering the hidden insights from your raw data distributed across multiple data sources, multiple location with the help of BI and data analytics cloud-based software – Thats precisely what we do!!

Our Analytics Allows You To:

Data Blending.

Compare sales target, conversion from a CRM to invoices generated from accounting. Get hidden and interesting insigts from various data sources.

Analyze And Visualize Simultaniously.

What ever be the datasource we create insightful dashboards. 

A value proposition.

Highly affordable BI solution which pays for itself and also help save more, increase profits and much more.

Consolidate PnL, Balancesheet and Cashflow.

Get a birds eye view of the previous year and also forcast the performace of the coming years.

Compare a budget v/s forcast to track the forcasted targets.

What if You Knew Where exactly your Money is going?

Humanizing the Cash Flow

Imagine, how easy it would have been if you knew how money comes into and going out of your company. What if you could know how much money is in the accounts at any given point of time? A chart line this can give you the real story of whats happening with your finances. With this you dont have to relyon your accountant any more...

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